The Truth of Tibetan Buddhism

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über die Dalai Lamas





加拿大Vikki Han女士,曾立志出家,於2017年在噶瑪林進行為期三年的閉關,
該閉關中心由噶舉派的噶瑪三乘法輪 Karma Triyana Dharmachakra (KTD)所擁有,
2018年6月19日Vikki Han在加拿大產下一名女兒。
2022 年 1 月噶瑪巴在倫敦進行法院規定的DNA測試,證明Vikki Han之女為他親生女。
據一位與噶瑪巴關係密切的消息人士透露,第十七世噶瑪巴烏金欽列多傑已同意與一名聲稱在2017 年遭到他性侵犯並使其懷孕的婦女達成數百萬美元的經濟和解。 據多位消息人士透露,這名女子名叫Vikki Han,在庭外和解後,撤回了在加拿大針對這位佛教領袖的親子鑑定和子女撫養費訴訟,以及在紐約的民事強姦訴訟。 據報導,在案件終止之前,法院於 2022 年 1 月進行的 DNA 檢測證明噶瑪巴確實是Vikki Han孩子的父親。

韓是三名聲稱遭到高僧性侵犯和/或虐待的女性之一。 其中兩人表示,他招募他們是為了進行秘密性關係,包括網路性愛和飯店幽會。 (有關這些指控,請參閱下面的連結。)另外兩名女性是 Jane Huang 和 Wu Hang-Yee。


據一位與噶瑪巴關係密切的消息人士透露,這位37 歲的佛教領袖同意與Vikki Han達成一項價值數百萬美元的協議,並在多年內逐步支付報酬,以確保Vikki Han持續保持沉默。 消息人士稱,作為協議的一部分,Han(韓)已從加拿大法院撤回了她的親子鑑定和子女撫養費訴訟,並停止了在紐約對噶瑪巴提起民事強奸案的法律訴訟。 消息人士透露,Han(韓)還簽署了一份保密協議,禁止她透露親子鑑定的結果或再次公開討論她的任何指控。 因此,記錄將保持密封狀態,公眾無法獲得有關指控的證據,除非其他方進行獨立調查或噶瑪巴自願披露 DNA 測試結果和其他相關資訊。

在法庭文件中,Han(韓)聲稱,她在噶瑪林傳統的為期三年的噶瑪噶舉閉關期間遭到噶瑪巴的性侵犯,該閉關中心由噶瑪三乘法輪(KTD)擁有,噶瑪巴位於紐約伍德斯托克的總部。 根據她的宣誓書(連結見下文),噶瑪巴進入婦女閉關中心的私人住所並襲擊了她,當時兩人被單獨關在門後。 韓是噶瑪巴的弟子,她立志成為尼姑,並在她懷孕時發願獨身。 懷孕後,她不得不結束閉關。

Vikki Han是加拿大居民,2018年6月19日在加拿大產下一名女兒。法庭文件引用了噶瑪巴最初提出照顧Han和孩子的簡訊。 韓向紐約法院提供了她的銀行帳戶副本,作為證據證明他在 2018 年 4 月、9 月和 10 月向她支付了大筆款項,總計 35 萬加元和 42 萬美元。 然而,2019年1月,在台灣媒體報道其他女性的指控後,噶瑪巴在一個秘密地點「閉關」。 法庭文件稱,與此同時,他在告訴韓某需要「消失」一段時間後,切斷了與她的聯繫。

2019 年7 月,也就是噶瑪巴停止回覆她的訊息六個月後,韓向加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省最高法院起訴他要求子女撫養費,她還要求噶瑪巴進行親子鑑定並承認孩子是他的。

韓女士的指控於2021年5月引起公眾關注,當時法院考慮到她懷孕後兩人之間的廣泛溝通,同意將案件擴大到婚姻贍養費。 與加拿大家庭法院的其餘訴訟不同,法院對韓的請願書作出的裁決是公開的,因為這將為網路婚姻關係樹立法律先例。

據報道,在加拿大法院繼續裁決此案的同時,噶瑪巴於 2022 年 1 月在倫敦接受了法院規定的 DNA 測試。 據多位消息人士透露,在親子鑑定證明噶瑪巴確實是韓的孩子的父親後,法院接受了噶瑪巴推遲審判的請求,雙方隨後就財務和解達成一致。

當她停止法律訴訟時,韓的案件在兩個法院都處於优势地位。 法院在紐約案件中支持了她的披露請求(連結見下文)。 在加拿大案件中,法院允許韓在 2020 年擴大其子女撫養費案件,將婚姻撫養費包括在內。截至和解時,即批准她尋求贍養費和子女撫養費的申請兩年後,加拿大法院仍在考慮她與噶瑪巴有婚姻關係的論點。

據與噶瑪巴關係密切的消息人士透露,儘管韓簽署了保密協議,但噶瑪巴的團隊認為,如果她一次性獲得全額付款,她以後尋求額外資金的風險很高。 消息人士稱,出於這個原因,他們選擇了一項付款計劃,繼續獎勵她的沉默。

據同一消息來源稱,噶瑪巴此前曾提出向韓女士支付她一直尋求的 700 萬美元以上的大約一半金額。 消息人士稱,韓拒絕了這項提議,現在接受了一個更大的數字。

自2019年噶瑪巴從公眾視野中消失至今,他的行蹤仍未公開。 身為藏傳佛教噶瑪噶舉派的領袖,噶瑪巴是全世界數千甚至數百萬追隨者的精神導師。 然而,這位佛教領袖在過去四年裡一直無法與信徒互動,儘管他繼續透過 Youtube 和 Facebook 發表宗教演講。 在他的開示中,噶瑪巴繼續穿著獨身佛教僧侶的袈裟出現。

孩子現在四歲了。 韓作為單親媽媽一直在加拿大撫養這個女孩。


可以在線獲取大量文件。 這些文件包括對強姦指控的明確描述(文件 1、3 和 33)、Han 收到的第三方付款的證明(文件 13)以及法官最近支持 Han 申請的決定(文件 66)。

要閱讀或下載這些文件,請訪問本法院網站,輸入“Karma Triyana”作為“當事人名稱”,然後在該行正下方選擇“被告”,接下來選擇“特拉華州最高法院”作為“法院” ,然後選擇在“案例狀態”下選中“全部”,在“僅返回未來出現的案例”下選中“否”,最後單擊底部的“查找案例”。



不列顛哥倫比亞省的家庭法院系統不允許公眾查閱文件。 不過,可以在此監控加拿大子女扶養費和親子鑑定案件新提交的日期,只需輸入姓氏 Dorje 和名字 O。 案件檔案的最新更新日期為 2022 年 10 月 11 日。)

Civil Rape Case in New York

Extensive documentation is available online. These documents include a clear description of the rape allegations (documents 1, 3 and 33), proof of the third-party payments received by Han (document 13) and the judge’s most recent decision in favour of Han’s petition (document 66).

To read or download these documents go to this court website, enter “Karma Triyana” as “Party Name’ and then immediately below that line, select “Defendant”, next select “Delaware Supreme Court” as ‘Court(s)’ and then check “All” under ‘Case Status’ and “No” Under ‘Return only Cases with Future Appearances’ and finally click on ‘Find Case(s)’ at bottom.

Child Support and Alimony Case in British Columbia, Canada

The only legal document from this case that has been made public can be found here.

The family court system in British Columbia does not allow public access to documents. However, the date of new filings in the child support and paternity case in Canada can be monitored here, by entering Dorje for last name and O for first name. The most recent update to the case files was made on October 11, 2022.)


The 17th Karmapa, Orgyen Trinley Dorje, has agreed to a multimillion-dollar financial settlement with a woman who alleged she was sexually assaulted and impregnated by him in 2017, according to a source close to the Karmapa. The woman, Vikki Han, withdrew her paternity and child support case in Canada against the Buddhist leader as well as civil rape proceedings in New York following the out-of-court settlement, according to several sources. Before the cases were discontinued, a court-mandated DNA test in January of 2022 had proved that the Karmapa was indeed the father of Han’s child, according to this report.

Han is one of three named women alleging that they were sexually assaulted and/or abused by the senior Buddhist monk. Two of them say he recruited them for secret sexual relationships involving cybersex and hotel trysts. (See links below for those allegations.) The other two women are Jane Huang and Wu Hang-Yee.

The Karmapa has not publicly denied any of the allegations.

The 37-year-old Buddhist leader agreed to a multimillion-dollar deal with Han to be paid out incrementally over the course of many years, in order to ensure Han’s ongoing silence, according to a source close to the Karmapa. As part of the deal, Han has withdrawn her paternity and child support suit from the court in Canada and has discontinued the legal proceedings in New York to initiate a civil rape case against the Karmapa, the source says. Han also signed a non-disclosure agreement that forbids her from revealing the results of the paternity test or publicly discussing any of her allegations ever again, according to the source. As such, records will remain sealed and the public will not gain access to evidence regarding the allegations, unless an independent investigation is conducted by other parties or the Karmapa voluntarily discloses the results of the DNA test and other relevant information.

In court documents, Han alleged that she was sexually assaulted by the Karmapa during a traditional three-year Karma Kagyu retreat at Karme Ling, a retreat centre owned by Karma Triyana Dharmachakra (KTD), the Karmapa’s headquarters in Woodstock, New York. The Karmapa entered her private quarters in the women’s retreat centre and assaulted her while the two were left alone together behind closed doors, according to her affidavit (see below for links). Han was a disciple of the Karmapa who aspired to become a nun and was holding vows of celibacy at that time she was impregnated. After becoming pregnant, she was obliged to end her retreat.

A Canadian resident, Han gave birth to a daughter in Canada on June 19, 2018. Court documents quote text messages in which the Karmapa initially offered to care for Han and the child. Han provided the court in New York with copies of her bank account as evidence that he had paid her substantial sums in April, September and October of 2018, totalling $350,000 CAD and $420,000 USD. However, in January 2019, after media coverage in Taiwan of allegations by other women, the Karmapa went into “retreat” at an undisclosed location. At the same time, he cut off contact with Han after telling her he needed to “disappear” for a while, the court documents say.

In July 2019, six months after the Karmapa stopped responding to her messages, Han sued him for child support in the Supreme Court of British Columbia in Canada, where she was also seeking that the Karmapa take a paternity test and acknowledge the child as his.

Han’s allegations gained public attention in May 2021, when the court agreed to expand the case to marital support, taking into consideration the extensive communication between the two after she became pregnant. Unlike the remaining proceedings in the Canadian family court, the court decision in favour of Han’s petition was made public, as it would set a legal precedent for online marital relationships.

While the Canadian court continued to adjudicate the case, in January of 2022, the Karmapa took a court-mandated DNA test in London, according to this report. After the paternity test proved that the Karmapa was indeed the father of Han’s child, the court accepted the Karmapa’s petition for a postponement of the trial and the two parties then agreed on a financial settlement, according to multiple sources.

At the point when she halted legal proceedings, Han’s cases in both courts had been in a strong position. The court had found in favour of her disclosure requests in the New York case (see below for links). In the Canadian case, the court had allowed Han to expand her child support case to include marital support in 2020. As of the time of settlement, two years after it approved her petition to pursue alimony as well as child support, the Canadian court was still considering the argument that she had a marital relationship with the Karmapa.

Despite the non-disclosure agreement that Han signed, the Karmapa’s team considered her to be a high risk for seeking additional monies later if she was paid the full amount as a lump sum, according to the source close to the Karmapa. For this reason, they opted for a payment schedule that would continue to reward her for her silence, the source says.

According to the same source, the Karmapa had previously offered to pay Han an amount roughly half of the $7 million-plus that she had been seeking. Han turned down that offer and has now accepted a much larger figure, that source says.

Since the Karmapa disappeared from public view in 2019 to this day, his whereabouts remain undisclosed. As head of the Karma Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism, the Karmapa is a spiritual guide to thousands if not millions of followers worldwide. However, the Buddhist leader has been unavailable for interaction with the faithful for the past four years, although continues to deliver religious discourses via Youtube and Facebook. In his discourses, the Karmapa continues to appear in the robes of a celibate Buddhist monk.

The child is now four years old. Han has been raising the girl in Canada as a single mother.